Sunday, September 19, 2010


Joben is a rockstar. He has a fabulous wife who can cook, massage, clean, and put up with sports 24/7. He has two of the cutest boys around - who also can cook, mass... oh wait, they don't. But Asher sleeps approx 17 hours a day and Judah is on his way to becoming as dormant as his brother. They're super cute boys who LOVE their Aunt Hannah.

And you know what else? Joben has Soccer Shots. It's an after school programme for lil' tykes teaching them the fundamentals of soccer - skills, sportsmanship, and how to roll on the ground for sympathy!!! Please go to the site and click "like". If he reaches his quota on facebook, it'll start putting up ads for his group on the sidebar!!

I have 623 friends on facebook... maybe you could "like" and share the link??


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